Saturday, June 16, 2007

Columbia-Crest Merlot

Grand Estates
Columbia Valley
2003 and 2004

Would drink 2004 again, and maybe try another bottle of 2003 to see if what I experienced was just a corked wine for that particular bottle.

Silence can be torturous and deafening,
it's numbing her ears today.
Wanting to do what's best,
hoping instinct is leading the right way.
Relinquishing to Washington State, she pours a glass of Columbia-Crest.

Following Kevin Zraly's once-a-week recommended list, I bought a bottle of Columbia-Crest Merlot last week when I also purchased the Kendall Jackson Chardonnay (also one of the list's once-a-week wine recommendations). I thoroughly enjoyed it as a glass on its own unaccompanied by any food. I don't remember what I did eventually have to eat with it, but it tasted better all alone. This week I thought I purchased the same vintage (2004) but didn't notice until I got home and poured a glass that it was actually 2003. The taste was much different which is what made me go back and study both bottles to discover the different vintage. It had a cellar smell on the cork and in the glass. The cork was in good condition so I don't know what the deal was. But the "cellarness" was immediately tasted upon first sip. The finish was nice, reminiscent of the 2004 bottle. But I couldn't get past the initial cellar flavor so I was disappointed. The 2004 had an equal balance of earthy woodsiness and berry with a nice finish. It reminded me a bit of the U.S. merlots I used to enjoy in the early 90's so I was happy enough to purchase again (or so I thought I was purchasing again).

2003 / 7 out of 10
2004 / 7.5 out of 10
$11.99 / bottle

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