Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bin 65 Chardonnay


Will drink again.

"Happy summer" - backyard lit up with fireflies, running after them with a jar.
Playing train with Dave in the hall with the kitchen chairs while mom washes the floor,
and swinging on the swings for hours.
The distance and emotional journey between now and then SO far.
Innocence so precious, and lost long ago.
The life I've weaved, regrets, so strange from what I'd dreamed as a little girl.
How I wish I knew then what I now know,
never in the past would I have wasted a day,
having traveled from chocolate milk to Lindeman's Bin 65 Chardonnay.

I'm afraid I drank 3/4 of the bottle and I haven't yet had me dinner. I am talking like a pirate, me hearties, and am very agreeable this evening lads. I must admit, though, for $6.99 this wine is worth it. Very nice flavor and quite the punch. I only wish Johnny Depp was me dinner partner. I'd be hoisting the flags and stripping me clothes dontcha know. I might even be willing to walk the plank.

7.75 out of 10
13.5% alc. by vol.
$6.99 (totally worth the price)

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