Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Yangarra Vineyard Shiraz

McLaren Vale

Remembering the night before you left,
The laughter we shared over a puzzle, late into the night.
Dropping you off the next day, waving goodbye,
Blowing kisses to each other from our cars, holding the tears back tight.
Silence that I do find peaceful,
Is at times deafening with its solitude.
Your rooms look like you were just there,
But the morning awakenings remain quietly rude.
I smile as I say your prayers for you,
finding calming ways to pass the time.
Walking the dog, catching up on reading,
Reveling in my glass of Yangarra wine.
Happy that you are having fun,
So blessed to have you three.
In good hands I know you are,
And so very lucky I am that you'll return to me.

Awesome wine. Berries, herbs and smokey earth with the exact amount of pepper. I love this wine. Interestingly enough, I had it with a "Kashi" (http://www.kashi.com/) frozen dinner, "Chicken Florentine" with portabella mushrooms, garlic and whole grains, parmesean and Chablis!!! If I'd known there was white wine in the meal, I would have opened a white.

I poured a glass of Yangarra while I waited for my dinner and thoroughly enjoyed it. I then ate some of my dinner, had another sip and enjoyed both the meal and the wine even more. It was at that point that I read the ingredients and realized there was white wine in the dinner. It didn't matter. The wine was awesome following each forkful, and the garlic (and even the white wine flavor!) came out following each sip.

8.75 out of 10
15% alc. by vol.
$20.99 (out of normal budget but so worth it)
http://www.yangarra.com/ (check out the breathtaking opening photo)

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