Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Walker Road Vineyards

Red Table Wine
Woodbury, CT

In addition to tasting this wine, I had the privilege of meeting the demure and unassuming owner of this small vineyard in Connecticut. This full-bodied red wine, made from 70% St. Croix grapes is actually quite delicious and grew on me. I served it with homemade lasagna and it was a fantastic accompaniment. And, two days later, the remainder of the bottle tasted so fine on its own.

Wine making in Connecticut is, to say the least, challenging, given the cool and sometimes wet climate. Jim Frey seems to have worked his way around that fact. This wine has herbal tendencies (thyme) with mushroom earthiness that I happen to love. I highly recommend this as an every day drinking wine.

I don't care if we don't sleep at all tonight

Let's just fix this whole thing now
I swear to God we're gonna get it right
If you lay your weapon down
Red wine and Ambien
You're talking sh*t again, it's heartbreak warfare

-John Mayer, Heartbreak Warfare

8.0 out of 10
12.5% alc. by vol.
$14 / 750 ml. bottle

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