Sunday, February 28, 2010

Domaine de L'Herbe Sainte Chardonnay

Famille Greuzard


I couldn't stand it anymore. I broke down. I've been on an elminiation diet for 8 weeks now to try to determine if I've got food allergies. It's a strict diet with no dairy, no wheat, no sugar, no chocolate, no alcohol (NO WINE!), no garlic, no peppers. All vegetables and fruit and poultry are to be organic, salmon should be wild, and only well-treated, grass-fed beef (if I were to eat beef). I have done 85% well as I have been eating mostly organic fruits, vegetables and poultry (and wild salmon) for quite some time now. I was allowed a couple of times to go off for one special meal or invitation, but I was to not have it be two days in a row. Except for two wine tasting events, and my mother's birthday, (oh and a Fashion Show I just remembered - SHOOT!) I have followed it completely . But tonight, I broke down and opened a bottle of French Chardonnay I've had chilling since Christmas.

All I wanted to do was add a bit to my California Basmati brown rice along with some organic chicken broth to give it a more gourmet flavor. I opened this bottle, and the tropical aromas made me salivate. I told myself I'd have just one glass and ended up having almost two. Nice pear and citrus flavors with a hint of thyme and ever so slight mineral notes and a creamy finish. It was really good.

She's just the way she is, but no ones told her that's OK.

And she would change everything, everything just ask her.
Caught in the in-between, a beautiful disaster,

And she would change everything for happy ever after.
Caught in the in-between, a beautiful disaster.

--Jon Mclaughlin--

8.25 out of 10
13.5% alc. by vol.
$15 / 750 ml. bottle

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